Friday, May 31, 2013

If it's FREE, why won't I take it EVERYTIME?

I love consignment shopping, garage sale-ing, and well, I'm not to proud to admit ~I asked the backdoor neighbor for the sand he was hauling away for my backyard beach! FREE stuff is like blessings from above! God knows my needs, (okay, and wants!) and they just show up! Really?!

No...even the $5 victorian rugs I nabbed at a garage sale last week weren't just "lucky" treasures! They were God gifts! God showing me that He gets how much I love pink and vintage and well, "Happy Friday"! Love, God if written on a gift card from Him!

So, if it's that easy for me to see Him in these little gifts of the everyday, and recognize that the people He brings into my life are not "coincidences", but a part of my journey, even more precious gifts, and I accept them, anxiously, even joyously...why is so difficult to accept His gift of Grace?

Grace is FREE, just like the stuff, but yet I hesitate, doubt, walk it's not "good enough". But I know, in my heart that it's not the gift, the grace, that's not good enough. It's me, who doesn't feel worthy of receiving His FREE gift. Look at how many times I've failed, disappointed, hurt Him and those I could I possibly accept such a precious gift?

The things, even though I know they're from Him, are just that...things. But grace. Grace cost my Jesus His life. He gave it willingly for me. Took my sin and shame and bore it on the Cross. How can I possibly take this uncomprehensible, indescribable gift that I've done nothing to deserve?

Because He loves me. He died for me so that I would receive it. He doesn't pull back His Hand even when I fail again, disappoint, again, cause hurt, again. He opens wide His Arms, reaches out His Hands and draws me to Himself, holds me, and offers me His FREE gift of Grace, again.

So I am reminded, that to reject grace is to reject God. My precious Savior, Creator, Redeemer and Gift-giver, Who gave His life for me. He only asks that I open my hands and receive His Gift of Grace, because He loves me.

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