Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Reason to Celebrate

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The rain pitter patters on the concrete outside my bedroom window...such a contrast to the blizzard that swept through at just this time last year.

Candles of advent flicker in soft shadows. My safe haven. Here, with You, in the rising of a new day...basking in Your holy Presence...drinking in the quiet like a hot cup in the cold of morning.

Drench me, Father, with Your unending love. Let me soak You up while You prepare me for ths day, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Memories flood of Christmas' past with the kids, trying to get it all right, so they would get it all right...that they would get You right.

Your Birthday cake on Christmas Eve and reading Luke 2 about that Celebration so many, many years ago. I pray they got that...That you are the Gift.

You gave us You. God gave God. Gave grace, so we could have an intimate, eternal relationship with You, the All Mighty God of the Universe.

All we need is to receive You. We don't have to perform, or perfect, or prepare...we only need to receive the Love that you offer us.

Open up the Living Book, even if for just five minutes. Let it breathe life into your drained and weary spaces. If you don't feel inspired or "spoken to" that's okay. Let it be an offering to your God. There is power in His Word and in His Name...whisper Jesus, and His holy Spirit will fill you right where you are with all that you need. Let it be a is a new day, a day of Hope,,,

when you open your hand to receive The Gift.