Thank you, Jesus, for things new...
New: refreshed, different from one of the same that has existed previously...unfamiliar.
A place to start over. Refresh yourself. Change directions. Begin anew.
"His mercies are new every morning."
Not only can I look at my life, my past, and change the big parts; the habits, the lies I have believed, the box I had created for You and for myself ~ I get to wake up everyday and confess it mistakes, regrets, my attitudes not so pleasing, and then...

You begin to change me from the inside out~ to be more like You.
I can trust, and love...You for now. Baby steps. Biggest. Best steps. Taken toward You.
Catch me when I fall, Father. Everyday. As I stumble and try to find my way. This redirecting in my life can be, and has been painful. Painful, yet necessary.
Necessary for Your Glory.
I am tired. Exhausted. The road of refining has been long and littered in minefields, each revealing a ticking bomb waiting to explode inside of me. And then...
You gently turn m me away, protecting me from self destruction, and lead me back to You with Your gentle whispers.
The enemy wants to fill my head with lies and fear; "You're through. Finished. Burned out. You've been replaced. Forgotten." But God softly speaks to my heart, "I will make up to you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten..." (Joel 2:25a)
God is the only One Who can take ugly, broken and confused and make something beautiful and useful come from it.
Lord Jesus, heal my locust bites. The ones that threaten to infect me. The ugly ones I don't want exposed. I don't want to hide them from you any longer ~ I am ready to put the past behind me and be all you have purposed for me.
Redeemed ~ my new identity. The names do not matter to You. I am made new, and they...the names, they are scars healing.
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