You know God wants to tell you something when He keeps putting the same Scripture verse in front of you for two days in a row..
Even now, behold, my Witness is in heaven, and my Advocate is on high... Job 16:19
I love it when He does that! It's like he's saying, "HELLLLOOOO! Are you listening to me? I really need you to hear this!"
Having worked with special needs kids, my mind immediately recalls the yearly IEPs and constant advocating that become a parent's priority. Everyday. Whatever it takes.
My Witness. My Advocate. Jesus Christ, who has my back and goes to bat for me, making accommodations on my behalf that I never even know about. He is my Voice. He make things happen on my behalf that I could never do for myself.
As a mentor of a young lady who just needs to know that someone cares about her, wants the best for her, and will be her voice, I am so thankful that I am not alone, taking this responsibility on by myself.
There are so many other people surrounding her to help lead her in the right direction. It brings me great comfort knowing that her Greatest Advocate reigns on high, and knows her and loves her far better than we ever could. She is His Child and there is nothing He won't do for her.
Looking back on my life I can now see Him looking down from on high like a protective parent, my Witness who sees from above my every need; My Protector, Provider, Merciful Savior, Redeemer, and Healer. I need never worry because He stands in the gap. Every day. Whatever it takes.