(Just so you all know, Satan tried very hard to keep me from posting this. I was almost finished with my post and for some reason everything I had typed just disappeared when I hit the 'enter' key. I will not be deterred! Not kidding, it has happened twice now. I started at 9:30, it's 10:48. I won't quit!)
Grace. To some, God-words, like grace, when offered to comfort by "churchy people"can sound empty, meaningless, and self-edifying to the receiver.
But to those Believers, sharing in Christ's suffering; whether by illness, tragedy, the loss of a loved one through death, or death of a relationship, GRACE is not just a God-word. It is the Presence of God. It is that knowing that we are not alone even when that is exactly how we feel. Alone.
It is by GRACE we are able to take our next breath and put one foot in front of the other when it would be so much easier to just crawl back under the covers and sleep life away. It is our reason for hope. Hope in the midst of heart-wrenching pain when we don't understand, and no one can tell us what to do, or how we're supposed to get through this?
As the Lenten season was approaching, I asked God, "what is it, spiritually, that I need to work on in my life? Something that would require sacrifice, and bring glory to Jesus." I wanted it to be my "thank-you" gift for the price He paid for me at the Cross, not just a month without chocolate! What is it Lord, that I need to give more of? He told me, GRACE.
He has opened my eyes, given me strength I didn't know I possessed, and GRACE. The gift to show grace to others, even when I've been hurt. Grace to know and understand that "hurt people, hurt people."
The gift of God's grace is freely given, but not without cost, not without sacrifice. It cost Jesus His life, His life for mine. And He gave it freely because of His love for me, even me, and my messy life full of junk only fit for a landfill. But He loves me anyway, and the healing begins when I hold out my hands and accept His gift and lay down my dreams and plans for His.
GRACE is family and friends who never leave your side, even if you've left theirs for a time. GRACE is an author, named Ann Voskamp, who through her brokeness has found healing in giving thanks for One Thousand Gifts, and has inspired me to do the same. GRACE is about "Sensible Shoes" ,and a Sacred Journey to a new sister in Christ. Her name is Sue. It's about Family Group, my other family, who daily lift Todd and I up in prayer. GRACE is a couple passing by on the sidewalk, who happen to be a pastor and his wife, who see my tears and lay hands on me to pray for strength and comfort. It is Comfort and Gifty, women I met in Ghana, coming to visit West Michigan for a month, reminding me of the great strength we all have in Christ Jesus, our Lord, and freedom. Freedom to be me, the me God created in Him.
GRACE, I am told, is not the cancellation that came about as my counselor was texting me to inform me she could not see me for another week, but my dear friend Melanie informed me, "that girlfriend is a Divine Appointment."