Saturday, June 15, 2013

Dream a little dream...

Cozy Cottage Creations...                            

Can't you just picture this painted
just like the house w/ pink/green
shutters and pink geraniums in
the flower boxes!

The secret to having vision for your life? To cling to the Father, to know His mind and heart for you. To know who you are in Christ. And to be aware of your surroundings and landscape that you've been planted in.


Who am I in Christ?
 Who did He create me to be, and what is my purpose in life for each day that He gives me?
To Love, to Serve, to be Thankful, to be Joyful, to Create...
Yes! He has blessed me with these gifts and He has given me a dream!
A dream of creating gifts and a perhaps a small business ad"venture" to help secure my future,
doing something I love, like my mom does with her "stitchin' business!
A dream I can work toward, that brings me and others joy, and will be something I can do when retirement rolls around...which isn't all that far away if you think about it!

Goats Milk & Lavender soap
(lavender from my garden, no goats yet!)

FREE on the side of the road on my
way home from work last night

Re-purposed sweater mittens

These are just a couple of the ideas I've been working on! My binder of ideas is expanding and the FREE wood is going to be made into vintage signs that are all the rage now!

 I'm kind of getting the hang of sewing, candlemaking, and braided rugs.
And I just finished reupholstering the cushions on the front porch!
It wasn't super complicated, but I like the way it turned out! The fabric is a perfect match for the Cozy Cottage!

So, I've been praying, and dreaming about a little Cozy Cottage Creations vision coming to fruition as His will allows, and in His perfect timing.

A few of you have already been guinea pigs to some of my experiments. I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have loved making them!
You never know when you'll be called upon to sample what's to come!

I've done some re-decorating since moving in too so I am posting a few pics of updates on a new post! 
everywhereGrace, Laurie     


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