How many of us could fill a bucket, or a quarry, with stones hurled at us over the years? Stones engraved with words that cut through stone. Words like Doubt. Fear. Trust. Ugly, Not good enough. Unloveable...the stones of shame we hide deep in our souls that no one sees.
We put on our smiles, our most favorite shoes shining with plastic confidence and walk into the world with those stones hanging around our neck like rubies. No one sees.
The walls of stone are built to just the precise height. To protect us. Keep us safe. Stones of lies that keep us captive. Keep us alone.
Stones of the enemy. Meant to keep us isolated, unloved, and unable to love.
If I/we are God's girls, then we need to allow Him to show us the truth about ourselves.
Jesus loves me! Ugly and all! I want to see me how He sees me and who He made me to be. God, give me the strength to throw these stones off my back and from around my neck; the ones that weigh me down and steal my joy.
You created me to trust, to love, to be loved, no matter how many stones(lies) the enemy has thrown at me and I have, up to this point, chosen to believe. The lies that have become my truth.
But the Truth is, I AM YOURS! ALWAYS! Always have been! To this truth I will cling and throw the stones deep into the sea and lay at the foot of the Cross. They're not mine to bear, they never were.
Your desire is for me to glorify You! To Shine. To Laugh. To Love. To care for others. To allow myself to bond and care for my sisters in Christ with loving Grace. The ones you are bringing into my life, inexplicably. Some, whom I've not met yet. But you know each one. And by Your Grace, Sweet Jesus, we will stand together, heart to heart, holding each other up, from our knees and with outstretched arms, just like Yours.
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