...like broken windows, sunlight shines through the remains left in tact, but Christ's love PIERCES through the shard of our brokenness There is a girl. Just turned "Sweet 16". But unlike the old adage, "Sweet 16, never been kissed," this young girl has been "sold", secretly, since she was a child, by a family member, to support a drug habit. You know her. If you are reading this. You know her. For her protection, I will not disclose her name. If you are reading this, you live within 30 miles of where she grew up and this horrific, gut-wrenching act was forced upon her while she was growing up in our schools. Waking up each morning, after a night of soul-stealing by men she didn't know and couldn't fight off, she would paste on her "let's go to school" smile and sit in your classroom and play with your child. The group of girls who as teens, used to "hang out" in your kitchen, laughing and talking about the next football game. And then she had to go home, to her literal hell on earth, to obey and to please. Her life threatened to end if she did not. I imagine there were many times when that option seemed like the better of the two. And then God said..."It is finished!" As He has before. Enough is enough. This is my child. She will be delivered today. And through a myriad of events, He alone orchestrated and provided her way out of this bondage that was not to be hers. This is not from God. God loves His children. He is our Redeemer. Our Deliverer. Our Healer. And He is...Through the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, and the those He has called to help with the healing at Abba's House, this young girl's life, and the lives of the family members who had no idea what was happening to their child, God is doing a great and mighty work for His Kingdom. That you may know. The program at Abba's House, is a minimum of 18 months, up to 3 years, depending on the trauma that the child has experienced. It costs the family(s) between $3000-$4000/month for the rehabilitation and care they receive at the home. What a tremendous burden, not to mention the pain and anguish they are all dealing with. My heart breaks for them. Yet, God is good! And there has been great healing and miracles in their lives and hearts, where He has taken up residence, and will remain, FOREVER. Please join me helping to support this family. The repurposed windows, that are for sale at Cozy Cottage Blessings, LLC, via Facebook or at Not So Shabby Antique Mall, Holland, Michigan are for sale to help to support this family in our own community. Will you consider purchasing a window, for yourself, or perhaps a gift? 100% of the proceeds goes to Abba's House, and directly deposited to their account. Checks may be written to Abba's House and I will send them immediately. Please check out the site, www.abbashousetc.com, to see the amazing work God is doing in the lives of these traumatized teens and their families. The windows for purchase are pictured on FB, Cozy Cottage Blessing, LLC. You may email, or call, for my address in which to purchase your window and/or mail your check. If you live fairly close to the Holland area, I will hand deliver your window so as to save shipping cost. God Bless you all this holiday season. May the Giver of all Good Gifts speak to your hearts and abide with you, now and forevermore. Amen. ![]()
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Windows of Hope
Friday, November 15, 2013
Thank you, Jesus, that I don't have to know why, when, or how, because You already do. I praise You that Your perspective is what determines the outcome for my good. I surrender to Your will, Lord, believing and praying that the desires of my heart bring you all glory. Amen.
"Nothing Is Wasted"
The hurt that broke your heart
And left you trembling in the dark
Feeling lost and alone
Will tell you hope's a lie
But what if every tear you cry
Will seed the ground where joy will grow
And nothing is wasted
Nothing is wasted
In the hands of our Redeemer
Nothing is wasted
It's from the deepest wounds
That beauty finds a place to bloom
And you will see before the end
That every broken piece is
Gathered in the heart of Jesus
And what's lost will be found again
Nothing is wasted
Nothing is wasted
In the hands of our Redeemer
Nothing is wasted
From the ruins
From the ashes
Beauty will rise
From the wreckage
From the darkness
Glory will shine
Glory will shine
Nothing is wasted
Nothing is wasted
In the hands of our Redeemer
Nothing is wasted
From the ruins
From the ashes
Beauty will rise
From the wreckage
From the darkness
Glory will shine
Glory will shine
And left you trembling in the dark
Feeling lost and alone
Will tell you hope's a lie
But what if every tear you cry
Will seed the ground where joy will grow
And nothing is wasted
Nothing is wasted
In the hands of our Redeemer
Nothing is wasted
It's from the deepest wounds
That beauty finds a place to bloom
And you will see before the end
That every broken piece is
Gathered in the heart of Jesus
And what's lost will be found again
Nothing is wasted
Nothing is wasted
In the hands of our Redeemer
Nothing is wasted
From the ruins
From the ashes
Beauty will rise
From the wreckage
From the darkness
Glory will shine
Glory will shine
Nothing is wasted
Nothing is wasted
In the hands of our Redeemer
Nothing is wasted
From the ruins
From the ashes
Beauty will rise
From the wreckage
From the darkness
Glory will shine
Glory will shine
Friday, November 1, 2013
I am with you, I am with you, I am with you...
"Will you call me when you have a minute? I have something I need to talk with you about. God has put you on my heart so strongly lately. Can we make a phone date tomorrow night at 8pm?"
There's a girl. With a baby.
They need a home.
She's a good girl. Wants to finish school, go to college, provide for her child.
I mentor her.
God put you on my heart.
There is no room at the inn right now.
I want to help. It must not be me. We will pray.
"Lord, find a home. A godly woman, to love on this woman-child
and her baby.."
"Do you live in Holland? I used to date a woman that lives in Holland. She used to be a golf pro, now she has started a ministry."
Lord, You are here. We were talking about trick or treaters? This supplier, who stops in randomly to check inventory. On his way out, just making conversation....
"She isn't home very often. She is considering a room mate for the basement of her home. We're not dating any longer. She travels a lot."
Lord, You are here. I can think only of her. I have no idea why he is telling me all of this because he doesn't know our prayer, this woman-child's need for a home. My heart is pounding. There are God moments and there is God Present. You are here, in this moment.
"I have a friend. She mentors a young girl with a baby. They need a home. They need a home in Holland. They need a godly woman to love on them. It's not me. We've been praying, and now, on your way out the door, leaving your work day, you tell me about a woman you stopped dating a couple weeks ago in the middle of a conversation about trick or treaters last night." God is here. "I am with you..."
"Can I call her? What is her name?"
"I will call her. You pray."
Yes, we will pray. "Have a good weekend. Let me know if we can contact her."
"I will. You pray."
Lord Jesus, You are with me. In this moment. This is not head knowledge. My heart is aching. Ready to burst wide open. Lord, hear our prayer. Provide. Love. And a home, for a young girl chasing after You.
Psalm 37:3-5 Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him, and He will do it.
There's a girl. With a baby.
They need a home.
She's a good girl. Wants to finish school, go to college, provide for her child.
I mentor her.
God put you on my heart.
There is no room at the inn right now.
I want to help. It must not be me. We will pray.
"Lord, find a home. A godly woman, to love on this woman-child
and her baby.."
"Do you live in Holland? I used to date a woman that lives in Holland. She used to be a golf pro, now she has started a ministry."
Lord, You are here. We were talking about trick or treaters? This supplier, who stops in randomly to check inventory. On his way out, just making conversation....
"She isn't home very often. She is considering a room mate for the basement of her home. We're not dating any longer. She travels a lot."
Lord, You are here. I can think only of her. I have no idea why he is telling me all of this because he doesn't know our prayer, this woman-child's need for a home. My heart is pounding. There are God moments and there is God Present. You are here, in this moment.
"I have a friend. She mentors a young girl with a baby. They need a home. They need a home in Holland. They need a godly woman to love on them. It's not me. We've been praying, and now, on your way out the door, leaving your work day, you tell me about a woman you stopped dating a couple weeks ago in the middle of a conversation about trick or treaters last night." God is here. "I am with you..."
"Can I call her? What is her name?"
"I will call her. You pray."
Yes, we will pray. "Have a good weekend. Let me know if we can contact her."
"I will. You pray."
Lord Jesus, You are with me. In this moment. This is not head knowledge. My heart is aching. Ready to burst wide open. Lord, hear our prayer. Provide. Love. And a home, for a young girl chasing after You.
Psalm 37:3-5 Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him, and He will do it.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Kiss the Rain
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the gift of beautiful music. This must be just a glimpse of
what we will hear when we see you face to face.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the gift of beautiful music. This must be just a glimpse of
what we will hear when we see you face to face.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Vintage Lace
I absolutely love vintage white lace...The fresh,clean, white cotton, and lacey patterns draw me to it everytime. As, I was ironing this beautiful oval tablecloth, preparing it to sell at Cozy Cottage Blessings, I would notice every once a while, a tiny stain where someone had accidentally dropped something .
Oh well, I thought, I love it anyway.
I overlooked it, of course, because compared to the graceful, elegant fabric, the stains were practically invisible, especially if you chose not to see them. It caused me to think about how Jesus sees me because of the Cross. Sparkling clean and white, free of stains and wrinkles. Beautiful.
It took a long time, a lot of hard work and patience to iron out all of those wrinkles, especially in the lace, and, no matter how many times I went over it, as I moved it along on the ironing board to the next section, the wrinkles would very subtly show themselves, and the tiny stains had not come clean either.
God has been working on me a long time. And sometimes the iron has been so hot...but, He just keeps gently pressing and looking the other way. He's like that, you know. It doesn't matter the size of my stains or the depth of my wrinkles, He just sees me as He sees His Son, through the eyes of grace.
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body. 2Cor. 4:8-11
Saturday, August 31, 2013
"I think I'll take this painting class!"
Just a word of advice, (even though it turned out to be one of the most memorable times ever!) you may want to investigate a little before registering and paying for something, for example,like where, exactly, the place is located? When it says "North Michigan", that doesn't necessarily mean Traverse City, somewhere south of the bridge... it might actually mean, "almost to Copper Harbor"!
You see on the left of the "finger" shaped part, where it says, McLain State Park. Now, look in the middle of the "finger", that's Lake Linden. McLain is the park where I camped, and the painting class was in the town of Lake Linden, just a few hours from home! lol
My trip to Ghana a few years ago, opened my eyes to the reality of child sex traffiking under the guise of a religious curse. But, here in the United States, and even right here in West Michigan, it is not about a cultural religious belief, it's about horrific abuse and broken families. After learning about Abba's House, and the impact the Lord is having in the lives of these traumaticly troubled young girls and boys, God put on my heart the idea of "Windows of Hope". (more to come in my next blog)
There may have been a few garage sales along the way!!
Manistique Lighthouse
If you are receiving this in your email and you want to see the pics on the blog, you can go to www.everywhereGrace263.blogspot.com
Thanks for following!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
By your wounds we are healed.
Mighty is the Power of the Cross.
We love You.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Breaking Free...A Story of Hope and His Unfailing Love
"God's Guest List" is a previous blog that I wrote about 8 weeks ago that talks about how He put on my heart to invite women into my home for a Bible study/support group. It goes on to talk about how He brought these precious women, strangers to each other, and to me, at the time.
After eight weeks of study, fellowship, life-sharing, mess-exposing, unconditional love between strangers, now sisters in Christ for life, lives are being changed. Broken hearts are being healed and faith is growing.
God is literally breaking the rock-like hardness covering our hearts and growing us, like a beautiful garden.
Breaking free...like the impossible growth of a seedling through concrete.
Here is one story, one miracle, that came to me in a phone call not an hour ago. I want to share it with you so that God may receive ALL the Glory, and all who read this will catch a glimpse of His amazing Grace, how He turns ashes to beauty, when we open our hearts to receive Him, and are obedient to his call.
Her name is Mary. We did not know her. She knew only one of us. Mary suffers from a chronic disease that would not enable her to attend our Bible studies due to the long distance drive. We decided we would figure out a way to Skype her in. Her Kindle couldn't handle it.
Her son changed her internet service so she would have a stronger feed on her computer. Still nothing. One night, she was able to hear us, but not see us.
Her son changed her internet service so she would have a stronger feed on her computer. Still nothing. One night, she was able to hear us, but not see us.
We kept her up to date by hand delivering the videos we were watching, and she diligently did her studies and followed along with our email threads to one another during the weeks in between.
Unknown to us, as Mary shared with me tonight, she had been talking about our study with two of her other friends. Telling them about how the Lord was really working in her heart, softening her with His gentle Spirit, and lifting her up through this study and spending time in His Word. She was craving it, and praying to Him, and talking out loud to Him in her garden. A place she had not been in very long time, and never like this she told me! And she realized that the flowers in her beautiful garden were not the only things growing.
Mary's faith is growing! Praise God! She is being healed. Healed deeply, by the Holy Spirit! Her faith is alive! She is noticing people at the Farmer's Market where she sells her flowers and wants to share with them what God is doing in her life, instead of just exchanging money for flowers she giving Hope!
And one day, she explained to me, when she was in her garden with one of the friends she had been talking to about the change in her heart, Mary told me, "we were talking and I was telling her how Jesus was changing me and what a miracle it was that He brought this Breaking Free study into my life by someone I didn't even know, and Laurie, we knelt down, right there in those beautiful flowers and praised God in prayer."
I thank You, Jesus. Thank You for your goodness to us. I thank you for Mary and for your unfailing love and unbelievable grace you've shown her. Thank You, for reaching out to us when we can barely look up to see You reaching down. For grabbing hold of us and never letting go. You are our Great Redeemer, and forever we praise Your Holy Name. Amen
And one day, she explained to me, when she was in her garden with one of the friends she had been talking to about the change in her heart, Mary told me, "we were talking and I was telling her how Jesus was changing me and what a miracle it was that He brought this Breaking Free study into my life by someone I didn't even know, and Laurie, we knelt down, right there in those beautiful flowers and praised God in prayer."
I thank You, Jesus. Thank You for your goodness to us. I thank you for Mary and for your unfailing love and unbelievable grace you've shown her. Thank You, for reaching out to us when we can barely look up to see You reaching down. For grabbing hold of us and never letting go. You are our Great Redeemer, and forever we praise Your Holy Name. Amen
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Busy Day at the Cottage!
Lots of changes at the Cozy Cottage Blessings, and more to come!
I finally was able to find time to put the sign up! Ashley's American Girl Doll Porch Swing has become the new Cozy Cottage Blessings sign! I would like it to be a little more noticeable, but it will do for now! I think maybe I will paint the swing a very pale yellow and see how that looks!?
I finally was able to find time to put the sign up! Ashley's American Girl Doll Porch Swing has become the new Cozy Cottage Blessings sign! I would like it to be a little more noticeable, but it will do for now! I think maybe I will paint the swing a very pale yellow and see how that looks!?
Still waiting for the larger booth to become available so I can bring in the stove, but I'm still waiting for the leg to be repaired, so no worries....it will come together soon enough! Baby steps are good I am learning!
Below are close-up pics of some of the items in the booth...the new addtions are a few of the cute girly bedroom items I found/made, and will be bringing to the store Monday during my lunch break!
I also did some "West Olive picking", (as opposed to American picking) and hope to get those items hauled to my house this week! Very fun, unique items!! I can't wait to show you!

Let me know what you think, and if you've visited the store recently!!
Too much fun!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
A Stove. A Swan...and A Dream
Piece of a broken dream. A piece of broken hearts.
Now has a broken piece, itself.
The Stove? Repairable. By human hands.
Broken hearts. Bleeding hearts. Healed only by willing hearts to forgive.
Surrendered hearts to the Holy Spirit in obedience.
I search for healing. Search hard. Pray hard. Cry hard. Hope hard. Forgive hard.
If not for grace...if not for mercy. If not for Him. My Only Hope.
He knows me. Loves me.
Even though...Even when...
Even though...Even when...
He knows my life; past, present, future.
My Creator. My name, written in His Book. His Plan.
His Purpose. His Child.
Made to love Him. Love others. Serve. Create. Nurture. Marvel at his awesome Creation.
Live in it, appreciate it. Be inspired by it. That's who He made me to be.
My dreams. My passions. All God-gifts.
I watch Him open doors wide making dreams come true.
Phil.3:13-14 But one thing I do; Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward a goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
That's it! Stop.
Listen to His Voice. Follow my dreams. Stop listening to the "what if I fail" lies.
Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.
The Swan. Leads me down the Au Sable River as I kayak in Ludington this weekend.
The same mate for life. He's alone. He's lost his too.
Still, He leads me through unknown waters. To openess, healing, freedom.
"Never will I leave you, nor forsake you."
My God is BIG and Able, beyond my comprehension. Isa 55:8~9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So to honor my Savior, my Deliverer, my Redeemer, my Friend; I will "Be a 10"! Not perfect by human standards, just My Best For Him!
Thank You, Jesus, for the hopes and dreams that lie before me,
and the journey we will make, together.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
God's Guest List
"Maybe faith is taking me beyond any points I can come up with – to free His story in me.
So that I’m no longer holding onto anything, except the hand that is leading me."
Breaking Free by Beth Moore ~ every Monday night, for ten weeks, there are five women who gather here to find God, not only in this study that we are bravely committing ourselves to, but in and through each other. Through our pain and brokeness, and in our joy!
The Guest list was God's. The whole idea of this gathering was His. "Let us have eyes to see, and ears to hear."
I came across a blog one night, called www.{in}courage.me , while I was visiting Ann Voskamp's blogsite (author of One Thousand Gifts), and there was a public invitation to join other Christ-following women for a global, two-day, online event. Women in Community, lifting each other up to God, in spirit and in prayer.
Friday night, a live webcast, for women around the world to join in and see what the Lord is doing in and through those who were given a vision and went for it! Saturday, was the day for meeting the other women in your own, real community who were "watching", just like you, the night before. Saturday was for joining together, in {rl} Real Life. In Holland, there were 16 from the area who met together and are still meeting. I was unable to go because...
Behind the scenes, God was at work. He was bringing together a group of women, who didn't even know this global community outreach dream, and had never even met each other, YET!
One week before this global event, I signed up to go to a one day retreat ,called Sacred Journey, based on a book written by Sharon Garlough Brown, entitled "Sensible Shoes" (a must read if you're hungering for a spiritual journey that will bring you closer to the Lord through learning how to pray and read the Scriptures) The book is fictional, but based on actual events from the author's own life and personal spiritual journey.
So, I'm at the coffee pot at this retreat and a woman, named Sue, approaches. She kindly says "good morning, how are you?" In reality, I was a mess, but I politely responded, and she continued to make conversation, asking if I attended church there, and so on. A couple more questions and answers later and we both realized this meeting at the coffee pot was no accident!
Instead of sitting by myself, I was being invited to sit with a beautiful, godly woman who grew up best friends with one of my dearest friend's sister. For those of you who know me, I'm speaking of Dawn and Phylis. And...Sue currently lives about 1/2 mile from Dawn, in the town where we raised our families! Her folks attended our small church; her mom, the organist...and on and on. And her grandchildren attend Hopkins, and...we both have broken previous marriages, love the Lord with our whole hearts, have been given the gift of creativity through art, have a boy and girl, and we love PINK! lol , and so much more!
Back to the guest list ~ God began putting a burden on my heart to somehow reach out and connect with other hurting women. I had no idea what it was supposed to look like, or how it was supposed to happen, or when? So I prayed. And I talked with Sue, my friend at the coffee pot! I asked her to pray with me, because somehow, I was convinced she was going to be a part of it, and our reason for meeting.
So we prayed. And meer acquaintances, some women I had never met, were beginning to come out of the woodwork, so to speak. Oh Lord, what are you up to?! I taught Sunday school (1st & 2nd graders) and GEMS, this is not my gift! He didn't care ;) And reminded me that this life of mine isn't about me! REallY?
In praying, He led me to consider several Bible studies, and brought together an amazing group of women.
(I invited two very special friends from my family group at church, for support! And thankfully, they agreed)
Not surprising, in just 3 weeks together, God has knit together our messy, broken lives into something so incredibly beautiful, it leaves me speechless. One of us even joins by Skype due to physical limitations. She is bonding with the rest of us just as though she is right here.
Through our study, through each other, with the Holy Spirit leading us, we are healing. The stuff of life that wants to keep us in bondage to the enemy is being exposed by Truth. It's hard. Ugly hard. But God is restoring and redeeming, just as He promises, as only He can. Sometimes more than we want to see, or face, but always for our good and His Glory.
He has not left us to ourselves to drown in it, but has given us God~sisters to keep us afloat when we feel like we've been pushed off into the deep-end and don't have our swimmies! God help us all.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your undeniable Presence in our lives. You are Sovereign. You are Truth. And we love You.
So that I’m no longer holding onto anything, except the hand that is leading me."
Breaking Free by Beth Moore ~ every Monday night, for ten weeks, there are five women who gather here to find God, not only in this study that we are bravely committing ourselves to, but in and through each other. Through our pain and brokeness, and in our joy!
The Guest list was God's. The whole idea of this gathering was His. "Let us have eyes to see, and ears to hear."
I came across a blog one night, called www.{in}courage.me , while I was visiting Ann Voskamp's blogsite (author of One Thousand Gifts), and there was a public invitation to join other Christ-following women for a global, two-day, online event. Women in Community, lifting each other up to God, in spirit and in prayer.
Friday night, a live webcast, for women around the world to join in and see what the Lord is doing in and through those who were given a vision and went for it! Saturday, was the day for meeting the other women in your own, real community who were "watching", just like you, the night before. Saturday was for joining together, in {rl} Real Life. In Holland, there were 16 from the area who met together and are still meeting. I was unable to go because...
Behind the scenes, God was at work. He was bringing together a group of women, who didn't even know this global community outreach dream, and had never even met each other, YET!
One week before this global event, I signed up to go to a one day retreat ,called Sacred Journey, based on a book written by Sharon Garlough Brown, entitled "Sensible Shoes" (a must read if you're hungering for a spiritual journey that will bring you closer to the Lord through learning how to pray and read the Scriptures) The book is fictional, but based on actual events from the author's own life and personal spiritual journey.
So, I'm at the coffee pot at this retreat and a woman, named Sue, approaches. She kindly says "good morning, how are you?" In reality, I was a mess, but I politely responded, and she continued to make conversation, asking if I attended church there, and so on. A couple more questions and answers later and we both realized this meeting at the coffee pot was no accident!
Instead of sitting by myself, I was being invited to sit with a beautiful, godly woman who grew up best friends with one of my dearest friend's sister. For those of you who know me, I'm speaking of Dawn and Phylis. And...Sue currently lives about 1/2 mile from Dawn, in the town where we raised our families! Her folks attended our small church; her mom, the organist...and on and on. And her grandchildren attend Hopkins, and...we both have broken previous marriages, love the Lord with our whole hearts, have been given the gift of creativity through art, have a boy and girl, and we love PINK! lol , and so much more!
Back to the guest list ~ God began putting a burden on my heart to somehow reach out and connect with other hurting women. I had no idea what it was supposed to look like, or how it was supposed to happen, or when? So I prayed. And I talked with Sue, my friend at the coffee pot! I asked her to pray with me, because somehow, I was convinced she was going to be a part of it, and our reason for meeting.
So we prayed. And meer acquaintances, some women I had never met, were beginning to come out of the woodwork, so to speak. Oh Lord, what are you up to?! I taught Sunday school (1st & 2nd graders) and GEMS, this is not my gift! He didn't care ;) And reminded me that this life of mine isn't about me! REallY?
In praying, He led me to consider several Bible studies, and brought together an amazing group of women.
(I invited two very special friends from my family group at church, for support! And thankfully, they agreed)
Not surprising, in just 3 weeks together, God has knit together our messy, broken lives into something so incredibly beautiful, it leaves me speechless. One of us even joins by Skype due to physical limitations. She is bonding with the rest of us just as though she is right here.
Through our study, through each other, with the Holy Spirit leading us, we are healing. The stuff of life that wants to keep us in bondage to the enemy is being exposed by Truth. It's hard. Ugly hard. But God is restoring and redeeming, just as He promises, as only He can. Sometimes more than we want to see, or face, but always for our good and His Glory.
He has not left us to ourselves to drown in it, but has given us God~sisters to keep us afloat when we feel like we've been pushed off into the deep-end and don't have our swimmies! God help us all.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your undeniable Presence in our lives. You are Sovereign. You are Truth. And we love You.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Well, everybody's got a story to tell
And everybody's got a wound to be healed
I want to believe there's beauty here
'Cause oh, I get so tired of holding on
I can't let go, I can't move on
I want to believe there's meaning here
How many times have you heard me cry out
"God please take this"?
How many times have you given me strength to
Just keep breathing?
Oh I need you
God, I need you now.
Standing on a road I didn't plan
Wondering how I got to where I am
I'm trying to hear that still small voice
I'm trying to hear above the noise
How many times have you heard me cry out
"God please take this"?
How many times have you given me strength to
Just keep breathing?
Oh I need you
God, I need you now.
Though I walk,
Though I walk through the shadows
And I, I am so afraid
Please stay, please stay right beside me
With every single step I take
How many times have you heard me cry out?
And how many times have you given me strength?
How many times have you heard me cry out
"God please take this"?
How many times have you given me strength to
Just keep breathing?
Oh I need you
God, I need you now.
I need you now
Oh I need you
God, I need you now.
I need you now
I need you now
And everybody's got a wound to be healed
I want to believe there's beauty here
'Cause oh, I get so tired of holding on
I can't let go, I can't move on
I want to believe there's meaning here
How many times have you heard me cry out
"God please take this"?
How many times have you given me strength to
Just keep breathing?
Oh I need you
God, I need you now.
Standing on a road I didn't plan
Wondering how I got to where I am
I'm trying to hear that still small voice
I'm trying to hear above the noise
How many times have you heard me cry out
"God please take this"?
How many times have you given me strength to
Just keep breathing?
Oh I need you
God, I need you now.
Though I walk,
Though I walk through the shadows
And I, I am so afraid
Please stay, please stay right beside me
With every single step I take
How many times have you heard me cry out?
And how many times have you given me strength?
How many times have you heard me cry out
"God please take this"?
How many times have you given me strength to
Just keep breathing?
Oh I need you
God, I need you now.
I need you now
Oh I need you
God, I need you now.
I need you now
I need you now
"Need You Now (How Many Times)"
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Dream a little dream...
Cozy Cottage Creations...
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Can't you just picture this painted
just like the house w/ pink/green
shutters and pink geraniums in
the flower boxes!
The secret to having vision for your life? To cling to the Father, to know His mind and heart for you. To know who you are in Christ. And to be aware of your surroundings and landscape that you've been planted in.
Who am I in Christ?
Who did He create me to be, and what is my purpose in life for each day that He gives me?
To Love, to Serve, to be Thankful, to be Joyful, to Create...
Yes! He has blessed me with these gifts and He has given me a dream!
A dream of creating gifts and a perhaps a small business ad"venture" to help secure my future,
doing something I love, like my mom does with her "stitchin' business!
A dream I can work toward, that brings me and others joy, and will be something I can do when retirement rolls around...which isn't all that far away if you think about it!
Goats Milk & Lavender soap (lavender from my garden, no goats yet!) |
FREE on the side of the road on my way home from work last night |
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Re-purposed sweater mittens |
These are just a couple of the ideas I've been working on! My binder of ideas is expanding and the FREE wood is going to be made into vintage signs that are all the rage now!
I'm kind of getting the hang of sewing, candlemaking, and braided rugs.
And I just finished reupholstering the cushions on the front porch!
It wasn't super complicated, but I like the way it turned out! The fabric is a perfect match for the Cozy Cottage!
So, I've been praying, and dreaming about a little Cozy Cottage Creations vision coming to fruition as His will allows, and in His perfect timing.
A few of you have already been guinea pigs to some of my experiments. I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have loved making them!
You never know when you'll be called upon to sample what's to come!
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